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Весь контент Aiveri

  1. Мистерия Металла и Сознания - Картинка из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A man, close-up, shot from above, 35 years old, of medium height and slim build, with curly gray hair falling over his forehead, blue eyes with a frosty tint, a sharp-angled face with expressive features, decorated with metal punctures giving the impression of mysticism, dressed in an unusual suit of black leather with many metal buckles and He performs eccentric and memorable poses against the background of an abstract art installation made of metal structures and wire, illuminated by cold blue light, creating an atmosphere of mystery and industriality, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Raymond Kwaitkovsky,... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом Yes Ai
  2. Космическая принцесса энергии - Пример изображения, сгенерированного нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, full plan, shot from behind, 25 years old, of medium height and slender build, with long mint-green hair falling to her shoulder blades, gray-blue eyes, with a mysterious look, an oval face with pronounced cheekbones, decorated with an intriguing metal make-up, giving her a futuristic look, dressed in a geometric dress made of transparent material with emblems of space objects, performs energetic and eccentric movements against the background of a space with floating planets and stars, a universe illuminated by bright purple and blue rays creating an atmosphere of cosmic fantasy, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired b... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан нейронной сетью - Yes Ai Bot 👈 нажми
  3. Магическая королева океана - Генерация в нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, medium shot, front shot, 27 years old, tall and slender, with long golden hair cascading to her waist, blue eyes with flickering light, heart-shaped face with delicate features, decorated with bio-digital cosmetics, giving her a radiant appearance, dressed in a transparent dress made of iridescent crystals, creating The effect of weightlessness, performs stunning and graceful smooth movements in the depths of the sea, surrounded by luminous algae and sea creatures, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Ellen von Unwerth, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан с помощью ИИ: Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  4. Мистерия современной дамы - Картинка, созданная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, close-up, side shot, 24 years old, of medium height and slender build, with wavy purple hair falling over her shoulders, blue eyes, with a bright glow, oval-shaped face with elegant features, decorated with delicate makeup, giving her mystery, dressed in an extravagant dress made of iridescent fabrics and voluminous draperies, creating the effect of movement, performs unique and artistic poses against the background of an abandoned factory with broken windows letting in soft golden light, creating an atmosphere between the past and the present, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Diana Kulagina, cgi, 10... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  5. Мистическая ночь в городе - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, full plan, shot from behind, 28 years old, of medium height and slender build, with long silver hair falling in careless waves to her waist, blue eyes, with a mysterious radiance, an oval face with expressive features, decorated with mystical symbols that give her mystery, dressed in a magnificent dress made of transparent fabric with embroidery made of mother-of-pearl threads and feathers, performs free and graceful movements against the background of a busy urban intersection, immersed in soft purple twilight light, creating an atmosphere between reality and dreams, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works ... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в - Telegram Bot - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  6. Мир будущего в движении - Картинка, созданная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, medium-sized, side shot, 25 years old, tall and slender, with long golden hair framing her face, blue eyes, with a magical glow, an angular face with expressive cheekbones, decorated with the effect of a futuristic cyber projection, giving her a mysterious look, dressed in a bold outfit made of shining metallic fabric with geometric cutouts, performs unusual and energetic movements against the background of a huge glass cube pierced with laser beams, creating the effect of three-dimensionality and future space, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Charlotte Grotsi, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Картинка создана с помощью нейронной сети Yes Ai
  7. Магия Восходящего Утра на Кристальном Платье - Генерация в нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, full plan, shot from a high angle, 20 years old, short and fragile build, with long purple hair cascading to her knees, bright blue eyes, with a flickering glow, a round face with delicate features, decorated with highlights of gold, giving her mystery, dressed in a magnificent dress made of crystal-transparent material, with delicate floral patterns and moving mother-of-pearl details, performs free and graceful movements against the background of majestic mountain peaks surrounded by soft morning light, creating an atmosphere of fabulousness and mysticism, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Robert a... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан нейронной сетью - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  8. Геометрическая космическая элегия - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, close-up, shot from a frontal angle, 25 years old, medium height and slim build, with short neon pink hair, green eyes, with intense glow, triangular face with sharp features, decorated with bright geometric tattoos giving her a futuristic look, dressed in a metal jumpsuit with transparent inserts and non-standard shapes, performs asymmetrical and energetic movements against the background of a giant installation of luminous glass panels surrounded by fog and the abyss of outer space, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Lionel George, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение создано алгоритмом ИИ: @yes_ai_bot
  9. Постапокалиптическая красота - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, in the background, taken from below, 30 years old, tall and slender, with long platinum-blonde hair braided in a complex braid, blue eyes with bright streaks, an asymmetrical face decorated with metal inserts giving it a cyberpunk appearance, dressed in an extravagant outfit made of leather and metal, decorated with floral motifs and glowing LED strips, performs unusual and graceful movements in a ruined urban landscape, among ruins and thickets of flowers, surrounded by gloomy lighting creating an atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic world, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Maniac Incognito, cgi, 1024K... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ stable diffusion
  10. Магическая лесная принцесса в тумане - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, close-up shot from an angle, 35 years old, of medium height, with curly fiery red hair falling into a careless hairstyle, light blue eyes, with a spark of adventure, an oval-shaped face with delicate features, decorated with thin gold tattoos embodying nature and strength, dressed in a magnificent taffeta dress with with bright floral patterns combined with luxurious plumes, she takes an unusual pose on a branch of a giant tree, looks into the distance, as if seeing something magical, there is a thick fog around her, creating an atmosphere of mystery and mystery, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Sa... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка сгенерирована при помощи алгоритма ИИ: Telegram Bot - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  11. Мистическая танцовщица на озере - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, full-length shot, taken from a high angle, 25 years old, slender and graceful, with long lush brown hair cascading to her waist, deep blue eyes with a hint of mystery, an oval face with perfect features, decorated with metal in the form of a futuristic painting, giving an elegant geometric accent, dressed in a magnificent A transparent organza dress decorated with crystal pendants, performing unpredictable and graceful movements, floating in the air above a huge mirrored lake surrounded by lush vegetation and luminous flowers, illuminated by soft diffused light creating an atmosphere of mystery and mysticism, an artistic conceptual s... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ Yes Ai Bot 👈 нажми
  12. Космическая богиня - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, a full-length shot, taken from a low angle, 28 years old, tall and statuesque, with long flowing black hair falling over her shoulders, piercing icy blue eyes with a hint of mischief, an angular face with clear cheekbones decorated with intricate patterns. a face with geometric paint of bright neon colors, dressed in a futuristic metal bodysuit with sharp cutouts and glowing LED stripes, taking a powerful and dynamic pose, suspended in the air in a weightless camera filled with swirling clouds of bright colored smoke, illuminated by pulsating neon lights, capturing her in a moment of weightlessness and otherworldly grace, artistic co... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в: stable diffusion 👈 нажми
  13. Woman, close-up shot, shot from a low angle, 35 years old, petite and delicate, with long loose red hair falling over her shoulders, piercing brown eyes with a hint of mischief, a heart-shaped face with a radiant smile, decorated with intricate face coloring reminiscent of colorful tribal patterns, dressed in an avant-garde ensemble consisting of from a cape with feathers, a corset with exquisite embroidery and a skirt made of shiny metallic fabric, gracefully dancing on a suspended silk air hoop in the middle of a vast desert, with the setting sun casting a warm golden glow, surrounded by swirling sand and ethereal dust particles, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the exciting and surreal works of Kirsty Mitchell, cgi, 1024K Женщина, крупный план, снято с низкой ракурса, 35 лет, маленький рост и изящная, с длинными рыжими волосами, струящимися по ее плечам, пронзительные орехово-карие глаза с изюминкой шалости, лицо в форме сердца с лучистой улыбкой, украшенная графика в виде племенных узоров, одета в авангардном наряде, состоящая из первого плаща, корсета с изысканной вышивкой и юбки из мерцающей металлической ткани, изящно танцует на подвесном аэрохуле из шелкового полотна волнистой пустыни, где закатное солнце бросает теплое золотое сияние, окруженные вихрями песка и эфирными пылевыми частицами, стилем художественной концептуальной фотографии, вдохновленными завораживающими и сюрреалистическими работами Кирсти Митчелл, cgi, 1024K Сгенерировано в YesAi 👈 нажми
  14. Магическая королева леса - Результат работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, medium shot, taken from a high angle, 45 years old, slender and graceful, with short and vibrant purple hair, mesmerizing deep blue eyes, oval-shaped face with high cheekbones, enigmatic and serene expression, dressed in a flowing ethereal white gown adorned with delicate floral embroidery, wearing a crown made of intertwined branches and flowers, standing in the middle of a lush and enchanted forest, surrounded by towering trees and vibrant flowers, bathed in soft natural sunlight filtering through the canopy, artistic conceptual photography style, inspired by the ethereal and mystical works of Tim Walker, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  15. Мегаполис будущего: Эмма в броне - Пример изображения, сгенерированного нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, medium-sized, shot from a high angle, 32 years old, medium height, curvy figure, long flowing silver hair, mesmerizing emerald green eyes, oval face with high cheekbones, mysterious and detached facial expression, dressed in a structured black dress. A leather bodysuit with metallic accents and intricate cutouts, decorated with a futuristic headdress glowing with neon lights, taking a confident and powerful pose, standing among a futuristic dystopian urban landscape with tall skyscrapers and bright neon lights, flooded with dramatic, contrasting light and bright neon lights. shadow, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired ... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация создана алгоритмом ИИ Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  16. Скульптура из теней - Пример изображения, созданного ИИ stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, full-body shot, taken from a low angle, 28 years old, tall and statuesque, with a shaved head, captivating green eyes with a hint of gold, angular and sculpted face, adorned with intricate metallic facial jewelry, strong and confident expression, dressed in a flowing black gown with avant-garde geometric patterns, wearing oversized structured shoulder pads, standing in the middle of an empty industrial warehouse, bathed in dramatic chiaroscuro lighting, surrounded by ethereal smoke and fog, artistic conceptual photography style, inspired by the bold and surreal works of Cindy Sherman, cgi, 1024K. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация создана алгоритмом ИИ: Yes Ai
  17. Субъективная реальность - Результат работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, medium shot, unconventional angle from above, floating in water, 35 years old, tall and slender, bald head, vibrant blue eyes, square face with facial piercings, serene expression, draped in flowing white fabric with metallic accents, adorned with intricate body paint in abstract patterns, gracefully moving in a dance-like motion, surrounded by a surreal underwater environment with soft, ethereal lighting, artistic conceptual photography style, Salvador Dali's dreamlike surrealism, cgi, 1024K. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация создана алгоритмом ИИ: @yes_ai_bot
  18. Мир иллюзий: рефлексия женской сущности - Результат работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, full-frame, low angle, dramatically backlit, 25 years old, average height, athletic build, platinum blonde pixie cut, piercing grey eyes, triangular face, intense focused gaze, avant-garde black full-sleeve jumpsuit with structured shoulders, minimalist geometric headpiece, striking an abstract pose with arms extended, surrounded by a surreal installation of mirrors and lights, artistic conceptual photography style, Man Ray's surrealistic influence, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Данное изображение создано в @yes_ai_bot
  19. Смейлась Египту - Пример изображения из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, close-up, eye-level angle, looking off to the side, 30 years old, tall, slender build, long straight black hair, sharp hazel eyes, heart-shaped face, playful smirk, light beige long-sleeve linen tunic, intricate silver cuff bracelet, casually leaning against an ancient stone wall, random Egyptian street with dynamic sunlight and shadows, street photography style, Steve McCurry's immersive composition, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Данное изображение создано в: Telegram Bot - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  20. Женщина в уютном кафе - Пример генерации нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, medium shot, high angle, seated with one arm resting on the table, 50 years old, short stature, plump, short curly grey hair, soft blue eyes, oval face, gentle half-smile, luxurious emerald long-sleeve blouse, pearl earrings, holding a cup of coffee, cozy French cafe interior with warm ambient lighting, still life photography style, Edward Steichen's tonal richness, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  21. Уверенность в красоте - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, full-length shot at a distance, straight angle, standing with hands on hips, 45 years old, short height, stocky build, brunette wavy bob, deep-set green eyes, round face, confident smile, elegant burgundy long-sleeve midi dress, simple gold necklace, no visible action, Italian street background with soft sunset lighting, candid photography style, Annie Leibovitz's portrait technique, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан нейронной сетью - Telegram Bot - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  22. Войсковой лидер галактического фронта - Пример изображения из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Customizable appearance from a range of human ethnicities, military-cut hair or kept longer for feminine options, piercing eyes reflecting a strong will, N7 special forces armor, sleek with red and white stripes, carrying an omni-tool on forearm and futuristic firearms, charismatic leader, Paragon or Renegade moral choices, skilled in diplomacy and combat, leading a diverse crew on the Normandy spaceship, environment - vast galaxies and interstellar establishments, lighting - dynamic and contrasting, highlighting the drama of space, image style - ultra-realistic with a touch of surrealism for alien designs, inspired by the works of Derek Watt... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью: @yes_ai_bot 👈 нажми
  23. Мастер блоков и выживания в мире Minecraft - Картинка, созданная ИИ stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Blocky and pixelated appearance reflecting Minecraft's signature style, blue shirt and denim pants, simple and iconic, brown hair and a deadpan expression, carry items ranging from pickaxes to swords, master of crafting and survival, ability to interact with and reshape the environment, neutral demeanor but capable of combat and building, environment - varied blocky landscapes from plains to mountains, lighting - clear and bright, mimicking the game’s day-night cycle, image style - 3D pixel art, evocative of retro gaming yet modern, inspired by the works of Markus Persson and Mojang Studios, cgi, 1024K. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Данный рисунок сгенерирован при помощи ИИ - Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  24. Космический Пересильщик: Охотник за Бонусами в Чужеродных Планетах - Картинка, созданная ИИ stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Tall and agile physique, encased in iconic Power Suit, sleek and aerodynamic design with orange and red color scheme, helmet with glowing green visor, arm cannon capable of multiple energy-based attacks, integrated missile launcher, adept at acrobatics and space combat, bounty hunter with a mysterious past, environment - alien planets and abandoned space stations, lighting - ambient with neon highlights accentuating suit features, image style - sci-fi with a blend of realism and stylized artistry, inspired by the works of Yoshio Sakamoto, cgi, 1024K. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Данный рисунок сгенерирован при помощи ИИ: Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  25. Боевой герой из Мидгара: поиск границы - Результат генерации нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Spiky blond hair with pronounced bangs in front, piercing blue eyes, purple SOLDIER's uniform, massive Buster sword slung over his shoulder, mittens and heavy boots, a sense of thoughtfulness and internal conflict, a master of swordsmanship and magical matter, iconic for his breaking limits, the role of a resisting hero, the environment is diverse, from from urban Midgar to ancient temples, the lighting is bright with an emphasis on the surrounding glow of matter, the image style is fantastic and detailed, with a mixture of anime and realism, inspired by the work of Tetsuya Nomura, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ stable diffusion 👈 нажми
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