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  1. Сила и изящество в ледяных пещерах - Картинка, сгенерированная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, general plan, full-length shot, low-angle view, dinamic pose, 42 years old, height 162 cm, fullface, smile, plump physique, blonde curly hair cascading over shoulders, piercing blue eyes, soft round face with a gentle smile, sophisticated long emerald coat with fur trimmings, hands gently resting on a carved ice cane, surrounded by the ethereal blue glow of the ice caves, natural light filtering through the glacier creating a serene ambiance, fine art photography, Anne Leibovitz's inspiration, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: Logo, Image, Photo 🧩 Model: SDXL DreamShaper 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM SDE Karras 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан с помощью ИИ Yes Ai
  2. Элегантность под водой: погружение в скульптурный мир ГренадЫ - Картинка из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Elegant woman, medium shot, low angle, gracefully floating, 45 years old, plump build, 164 cm tall, brown-haired with lush curly medium-length hair, deep amber eyes, heart-shaped face with a gentle smile, wearing a flowing emerald green mermaid dress with subtle sequin details, sleeves gently trailing in the water, captured in a moment of serene exploration, surrounded by the surreal beauty of Underwater Sculpture Park in Grenada, soft diffused light filtering through the water's surface, ethereal underwater photography, reminiscent of Andreas Franke's submerged artistry, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: Logo, Image, Photo 🧩 Model: SDXL DreamShaper 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM SDE Karras 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка сгенерирована при помощи алгоритма ИИ Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  3. Идол Озарения: Тайна Звездной Энергии - Пример изображения из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Enigmatic Idol of Illumination, radiating iridescent rays, crafted with exquisite precision from shimmering ice crystals and infused with the essence of ancient starlight. Its intricately carved triadic form reveals three intertwined eyes, each exuding ethereal energy in varying shades of silver, sapphire, and amethyst. A mystical symbol, reminiscent of an interstellar constellation, adorns its base. The idol rests atop a luminous pedestal within the sanctuary of a celestial aurora, where celestial beings gather to seek wisdom from the cosmos. The ethereal glow from the heavens illuminates this extraordinary relic, casting a mesmerizing lumin... 🎭 Styles: LineArt, Illustration, Logo 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM SDE Karras 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка сгенерирована при помощи алгоритма ИИ - Yes Ai
  4. Женщина в стиле нуар: пленница мегаполиса - Картинка, созданная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A stylish woman, fullbody, with a vintage flair dons a flowing black polka dot dress that cinches at her waist with a bright red belt. She pairs it with a long, beige trench coat and black ankle boots. Her sleek, chestnut hair is styled in a sophisticated updo. Her piercing blue eyes add a touch of mystery. The image should be captured in a black and white, film noir style, with dramatic shadows and moody lighting. She finds herself amidst a bustling city street, holding a vintage camera while capturing candid moments of outsiders, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: Logo, LineArt, Midjourney 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM SDE Karras 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в - stable diffusion
  5. Джазовый импровизатор в черно-белом обрамлении - Картинка, созданная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A man with fiery red hair styled in a slick back undercut. He wears a tailored charcoal grey suit with a vibrant floral-printed shirt and a burgundy velvet bow tie. His piercing blue eyes are accentuated with a smoky eye shadow. This photo is captured in a retro black and white film noir style, with dramatic shadows and high contrast lighting. The man finds himself in a vintage jazz club, leaning against a grand piano, surrounded by mesmerized onlookers, as he skillfully plays an invisible instrument with intensity and passion, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: Logo, LineArt, Midjourney 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM SDE Karras 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Картинка создана с помощью нейронной сети Yes Ai
  6. Тайна древней зелья в заброшенной пещере - Картинка, сгенерированная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Mystical potion bottle emitting a soft golden glow, engraved with intricate patterns of intertwining k's and kk's. It is adorned with shimmering gemstones and delicate feathers. Prompt: A hidden alcove in a forgotten cavern, illuminated by glowing mushrooms and phosphorescent crystals. The air is thick with magic, and the walls whisper ancient incantations. A mysterious cloaked figure approaches the potion with caution, as if unlocking its secrets could alter the course of destiny, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: Logo, LineArt, Midjourney 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM SDE Karras 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан нейронной сетью stable diffusion
  7. Золотой шар: тайна портала в мистический мир - Картинка, сгенерированная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Gossamer globe of gleaming gold, pulsating with iridescent glimmers, gently gravitates towards the ground. Engraved with intricate patterns resembling galaxies and griffins, it emanates an ethereal glow, guarding a hidden gateway to the mystical plane. Amidst an enchanting forest bathed in twilight, lavender-hued flowers bloom and silver-winged creatures flutter animatedly. This object rests atop a moss-covered stone pedestal, revealing glimpses of ancient celestial secrets. The tranquil atmosphere is enlivened only by the soft whisper of a distant waterfall. Transforming the surroundings into an enigmatic realm, this enigmatic artifact effor... 🎭 Styles: Logo, LineArt 🧩 Model: SDXL x63 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация создана алгоритмом ИИ Yes Ai Bot
  8. Призрачный леотард в лесу под луной - Пример работы ИИ stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Mysterious Ghost Leotard, Hovering pose, translucent skin, glowing white eyes, ethereal silver hair, flowing locks, slender body, flowing robe, haunted forest, suspended in mid-air, Surrealism, moonlight, digital art, watercolor technique, by Uccello, high definition, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: Logo, LineArt 🧩 Model: SDXL x63 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью Yes Ai Bot
  9. Стильная женщина в ярком городе: поп-арт портрет - Генерация изображения с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A stylish woman, fullbody, stands confidently in a vibrant urban setting, adorned in a fashionable plaid blazer with a matching skirt. Complementing her outfit, she wears a silk scarf elegantly wrapped around her neck. Her sleek bob haircut is a perfect shade of chestnut, framing her captivating hazel eyes. The image is rendered in a modern pop art style, with bold, vibrant colors and strong contours. Basking in soft, diffused sunlight, she stands near a busy street corner, clutching a cup of coffee, exuding an air of sophistication amidst the bustling cityscape, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: Logo, LineArt 🧩 Model: SDXL x63 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан с помощью ИИ: stable diffusion
  10. Молодой волшебник из Хогвартса: смелый и талантливый - Картинка, созданная ИИ stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Young wizard, fullbody, smile, round glasses perched on his nose, messy black hair, emerald green eyes filled with curiosity and determination, wearing Hogwarts uniform - long black robes with a Gryffindor scarf draped around his neck, carrying a worn leather satchel, a wooden wand clutched tightly in his hand, brave and loyal friend, skilled in magic and spells, student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, background - ancient castle halls and bustling classrooms, lighting - warm and magical, image style - whimsical and enchanting, inspired by the works of Arthur Rackham and Beatrix Potter, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ: @yes_ai_bot
  11. Эндер Виггин: юный стратег в стерильных коридорах Баттл Скула - Пример изображения из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Ender Wiggin, fullface, fullbody, small for his age but with a sharp gaze, short brown hair cropped close, pale skin, wearing a standard Battle School uniform of grey jumpsuit and black boots, carrying a small datapad, intense focus in his eyes, highly intelligent and strategic, skilled in tactics and zero-gravity combat, leader of a squad of young soldiers, background - sterile white corridors of the Battle School, lighting - harsh fluorescent lights, image style - realistic with a futuristic edge, inspired by the works of Syd Mead and Chris Foss, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ: stable diffusion
  12. Доктор: Легенда времени и пространства - Пример генерации нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: The Doctor, slim and mysterious, with short tousled hair, piercing but kind eyes, dressed in a smart casual tweed jacket and suspenders, with a sonic screwdriver always in hand, a timeless smile, in a long flowing coat, an old fashioned wristwatch peeking out, charismatic and intelligent, a master of manipulating time and space, the savior of galaxies and civilizations, the environment is inside the iconic TARDIS and in different eras, the lighting is a mixture of warm interior lighting and a cool console glow, the art style is a mixture of Victorian charm and futuristic sleekness, inspired by the works of Leonardo da Vinci and modern concept... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан нейронной сетью: Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  13. Тайны теней: Cassius Thorne в руинах старого мира - Изображение, созданное нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Кассиус "Тень" Торн, высокая фигура, окутанная тайной. Его лицо наполовину скрыто темным кожаным капюшоном, открывающим только пронзительные янтарные глаза, которые, кажется, горят внутренним огнем. На нем длинный черный плащ, края которого потерты и покрыты пятнами, что намекает на бесчисленные битвы, в которых он участвовал и одержал победу. Под плащом - сеть замысловатых татуировок, изображающих древние руны и забытые символы. За спиной он носит тяжелый обоюдоострый меч, на лезвии которого выгравированы тайные символы. Его движения плавны и бесшумны, как у хищника, выслеживающего свою жертву. На заднем плане: Пустынный, разрушенный город, ... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Данный рисунок сгенерирован при помощи ИИ - Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  14. Элара: Принцесса лунного леса - Генерация в нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Elara, an unearthly beauty with flowing silver hair decorated with wildflowers and piercing emerald eyes that twinkle like moonlight on water. She wears a dress woven of moonlight and teardrop-shaped pearls, shimmering with an otherworldly radiance. He holds a staff carved from ancient willow wood, topped with a crystal pulsating with soft light. She moves with the grace of a forest spirit, her steps are silent on the forest floor. Background: An enchanted forest shrouded in unearthly twilight, glowing mushrooms illuminate winding paths, ancient trees reach for the sky. Lighting: A soft magical glow emanating from Elara and the surrounding fl... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение создано алгоритмом ИИ - Yes Ai Bot
  15. Лира Вэнс: чаровница из древнего мира - Пример изображения из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Lyra Vance, the whole body in the frame, a smile, an unearthly beauty with porcelain skin, flowing silver hair and piercing purple eyes that seem to hold ancient secrets. She wears a flowing dress of shimmering moon-blue color, decorated with faintly glowing celestial patterns. He wields a staff topped with a crystal ball pulsating with otherworldly energy. She moves with otherworldly grace, radiating an aura of wisdom and strength. In the background are the ruins of a majestic ancient city, bathed in a soft, unearthly light. The style is a fabulous fantasy inspired by the work of Alphonse Mucha and Arthur Rackham. Computer graphics, 1024K. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан с помощью ИИ - Yes Ai Bot
  16. Искра в ночном мегаполисе: киберпанк-портрет гонщицы - Картинка, сгенерированная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Zara "Iskra" Khan, a full-length shot from a distance, a young, energetic girl with bright facial features, long brown hair braided with neon ribbons, sparkling green eyes full of determination and excitement. She is dressed in a stylish, tight–fitting jumpsuit made of high-tech material that reflects the light of neon signs, has electronic pulse bracelets on her hands, and hybrid sneakers with reactive elements on her feet. Equipped with a built–in holographic projector to create false traces and misinformation, has incredible speed and agility, striving to win illegal races on the roofs of the metropolis, the background is a colorful, deafe... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в - @yes_ai_bot
  17. Kai Allard, a stern and weathered face framed by unruly dark hair with gray streaks, piercing blue eyes that seem to hold ancient secrets, is dressed in worn leather armor with patched metal plates, a heavy cloak decorated with intricate clockwork symbols billows behind his back. , wields a huge energy sword buzzing with temporal energy, haunted by visions of past and future timelines, striving to fix the torn fabric of time, the background is a crumbling Gothic cathedral amid a vortex of chronal energy, lighting is an ethereal radiance emanating from the energy of the sword, the image style is dark fantasy, inspired by the works of Frank Frazetta and Gustave Dore, cgi, 1024K Сгенерировано в YesAi 👈
  18. Аластор: Тень в мрачных закоулках Гримхевена - Картинка из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Alastor, a wiry, slick crook with piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through everything, long, unkempt black hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, pale skin weathered by years of living on the street, dressed in dark, practical leather clothes, a network of intricate tattoos curling along his arms and chest, ominously curved a dagger strapped to his hip, a sly grin constantly playing on his lips, quick-witted and cunning, skilled in stealth, lock picking and deception, operates in the dark underbelly of Grimhaven, traveling through dangerous alleys and corrupt establishments, the background is dimly lit taverns, crowded markets, abando... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация создана алгоритмом ИИ Yes Ai
  19. Аня: Сабутер в неоновом мегаполисе - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Anya, a young woman with piercing blue eyes, short-cropped silver hair, pale skin, a network of intricate cybernetic tattoos, faintly glowing, dressed in a black leather jumpsuit with reinforced lining, fingerless gloves, a belt with various devices and tools, combat boots, persistent and resourceful, skilled in hand-to-hand combat and hacking, a saboteur and the saboteur, the environment is the neon—lit streets of a cyberpunk city, the lighting is dark with bright neon signs and holographic displays, the image style is a stylized anime inspired by the works of Katsuhiro Otomo and Mamoru Hosoda, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью - Yes Ai Bot
  20. Аня: киберпанк-авантюристка в ночном городе - Картинка, сгенерированная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Anya, a young woman, slim and mobile build, neon pink cybernetic implants are visible under the skin, tousled black hair with electric-colored strands, piercing yellow eyes, in a torn leather jacket over a mesh top, torn denim shorts, army boots with reinforced toes, fingerless gloves with luminous schemes, multiple piercings and cybernetic improvements, street and rebellious, experienced in parkour and hand-to–hand combat, adjuster and information broker working in the neon–lit underbelly of the Night City, in the background is a crowded street market with holographic advertising, lighting is bright and saturated, the image style is cyberpun... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  21. Элла: Защитница Эмберфалла от Тьмы - Изображение, созданное нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Ella, a young woman, slim and lithe build, bright orange hair braided in intricate braids decorated with glowing coals, piercing amber eyes, wearing leather armor with intricate metal ornaments engraved with fiery patterns, a crimson cloak fluttering behind her, armed with a flaming sword that crackles. energetic, confident and fiery, skilled in fencing and pyrokinesis, defender of the city of Emberfall from the coming darkness, the background is a noisy medieval city flooded with warm orange light emanating from embers embedded in buildings, the lighting is dramatic with warm shades and flickering flames, the image style is fantasy art inspi... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан с помощью ИИ: stable diffusion
  22. A space alien, a full-length shot from a distance, slightly from above, a slender and elongated body covered with shimmering iridescent scales, large almond-shaped eyes with vertical pupils, a smile, a long neck supporting a small head with delicate features, protrusions on the forehead similar to a mustache, flowing silver hair resembling stardust, wears a flowing white clothes. a mantle with complex patterns, holds a glowing ball pulsating with energy, has telepathic and telekinetic abilities, can manipulate matter at the molecular level, communicates through a series of piercing clicks and chirping, is very intelligent and curious, explores distant planets and galaxies in search of ancient knowledge and hidden artifacts, the background is a vast expanse of space with swirling clouds of gas and dust, the lighting is the soft blue glow of nearby stars, the image style is fabulous and unearthly, inspired by the works of H.R. Giger and Sid Mead, cgi , 1024K Сгенерировано в YesAi 👈 нажми
  23. Магическая принцесса леса: крылатая красавица в розовом платоке с золотыми перьями - Результат генерации нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Karina, a small and graceful fairy, a full-length shot, a slightly side angle, a smile, with silver hair that looks like a cloud and blue eyes full of hope, wears a pink suit with gold silk and feathers wrapped around her body like a peacock, decorated with stars and flowers, which has the ability to communicate with he climbs walls and ceilings, plays the violin, has magical powers, lives in a forest where wild fruits and flowers grow, lighting is soft sunlight, the image style is doll-like, inspired by the works of Frank Capra and Guillermo del Toro, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом - Yes Ai
  24. Принцесса Луна: королевство чудес и магии - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Princess Luna, a petite and slender figure, curly shoulder-length silver hair decorated with tiny sparkling gems, piercing emerald green eyes, dressed in a flowing lavender dress with intricate lace details, a delicate silver crescent necklace, elegant silver earrings in the shape of leaves. a pair of worn leather sandals suitable for wandering through enchanted forests, quiet and wise, skilled in magic and diplomacy, the princess of the kingdom, the background is a bizarre fantastic landscape with hills and tall trees, the lighting is a soft golden light filtering through the clouds. , the image style is watercolor, inspired by the works of ... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение создано алгоритмом ИИ - @yes_ai_bot
  25. Милый инопланетный малыш в розовом комбинезоне - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Alien baby, full-length shot, gaze directed directly into the camera, pink cheeks, large round lavender eyes, plump lips, small green tentacles, dressed in a soft pink jumpsuit, against a pink cloud background, gentle, bright lighting, cute, touching photography style, Kate Green, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
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