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Весь контент Ardi

  1. Ardi

    Aurora queen - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Aurora queen sits upon a throne of iridescent mist and moonbeams, her skin radiant with the soft glow of starlight, surrounded by a court of whispers and shadows, as she gazes out upon a kingdom --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  2. Ardi

    Broadcast man - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Broadcast man stands in a whirlwind of shimmering silver mist, his translucent form undulating like a living flame as he gestures with ethereal hands, surrounded by the soft murmur of ancientq 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  3. Ardi

    Клоун - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Robot clown stands in a dimly lit circus tent, its bright orange and yellow paint chipped and faded, surrounded by the smell of old popcorn and sawdust, as it mechanically adjusts its oversized bow tie while its glowing red eyes scan the empty seats with an unsettling intensity --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  4. Ardi

    Crystal statue - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Crystal statue of a girl sits atop a delicate, filigreed pedestal in a quiet, moonlit chamber filled with the soft scent of jasmine and the gentle hum of ancient incantations, her translucent body glowing with an ethereal light as she slowly begins to awaken from her centuries-long slumber --q 1.5 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  5. Ardi

    Ворон и шахматы - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Raven and chess pieces sit on a worn wooden board, the raven's eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intelligence as it studies the intricate patterns of the game, surrounded by flickering candlelight and the scent of old leather, its black feathers rustling softly as it ponders its next move --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  6. Ardi

    Lava girl - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Lava girl stands amidst a fiery landscape of molten rock and twisted metal, her dress a flowing mass of orange and red flames that seem to dance around her as she moves, surrounded by the acrid scent of burning earth and the distant rumble of volcanic thunder, her eyes glowing like hot coals as she surveys the smoldering wasteland before her --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  7. Ardi

    Golden amber leopard - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Golden amber leopard glows with an inner light, its translucent body undulating like a living flame as it emerges from the depths of a ancient, polished stone, surrounded by whispering whispers of forgotten secrets and the scent of ancient forests, slowly taking shape as if awakening from a millennia-long slumber --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  8. Ardi

    Рыжий кот - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Mousy red cat, fluffy fur with a distinctive white patch on his forehead, lounging in a sun-drenched attic filled with old trunks and forgotten treasures, lazily chasing the wispy tendrils of a stray spider as they dance across the dusty air --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  9. Ardi

    Ice cream - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Ice cream on the beach, colorful cone melting in the warm sunlight as a playful seagull swoops down to steal a lick, surrounded by the vibrant colors of beach towels and the sound of children's laughter carrying on the salty air --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  10. Ardi

    Rouge lipstick - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Rouge lipstick lies on the table, worn velvet box adorned with intricate gold filigree, surrounded by delicate perfume bottles and lace-trimmed handkerchiefs, slowly oozing its vibrant color onto the white fabric like a tiny, crimson waterfall --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  11. Ardi

    Скрипка - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Vivaldi's violin lies on the beach, worn wooden body weathered to a soft gray from years of traveling, surrounded by the sound of crashing waves and the cries of seagulls, slowly being overtaken by the tide as if it's trying to merge with the sea itself. --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  12. Ardi

    Луна - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Girl, porcelain skin with a smattering of freckles across her nose, standing on the edge of a misty forest glade filled with towering trees and a carpet of wildflowers, holding a delicate, glowing orb as if it's a precious gem, its soft light illuminating her face with an ethereal glow --q 1.5 --chaos 50 --s 250 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  13. Ardi

    Фламенко - SD

    ✏️ Prompt: Flamenco dancer, fiery red hair cascading down her back as she spins and twirls in a whirlwind of motion, surrounded by the dimly lit walls of a Moorish palace filled with intricate tile mosaics and the scent of orange blossoms, lost in the passionate rhythms of the music, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  14. Ardi

    Marzipan ballerina - SD

    ✏️ Prompt: Marzipan ballerina, delicate porcelain skin with intricate lace details, standing in a sugary landscape filled with candy canes and gumdrop trees, twirling a miniature tutu as if performing for an audience of fondant fairies, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  15. Ardi

    Лепрекон на Гавайях - MJ

    ✏️ Prompt: Immortal leprechaun on Hawaii, weathered face with a bushy beard and twinkling green eyes, standing amidst lush tropical vegetation and vibrant flowers on the sun-kissed beach of Waikiki, playing a tiny ukulele as if serenading the ancient spirits of the islands, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🖌 Midjourney
  16. Ardi

    Хот дог - SD

    ✏️ Prompt: anthropomorphic hot dog, elongated body wrapped in a shiny bun, standing on the edge of a bustling city street filled with towering skyscrapers and neon lights, precariously balancing a miniature tray of condiments as if preparing for an impromptu street performance, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  17. Ardi

    Rugged face - SD

    ✏️ Prompt: A man with a rugged face with a bushy mustache and twinkling brown eyes, standing on the edge of a dusty highway in a retro-futuristic wasteland filled with rusty robots and neon billboards, taking a triumphant bite of his sausage as if it's the prize for winning a wild west showdown, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  18. ✏️ Prompt: mad top hat enthusiast, worn and faded top hat adorned with feathers and flowers, standing in a whirlwind of swirling papers and scattered hats, grasping for a tattered ribbon as if it's the last thread connecting his sanity to reality, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  19. ✏️ Prompt: anthropomorphic cactus in a sombrero, slender spines shaped like arms and legs, vibrant green skin glowing with a warm light, standing in the midst of a vibrant Mexican market filled with colorful textiles and lively mariachi music, playing a tiny guitar as if serenading the crowd, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  20. ✏️ Prompt: anthropomorphic rose, delicate petals shaped like arms and legs, soft pink skin glowing with a warm light, standing in a lush garden filled with buzzing bees and sweet-scented blooms, gently holding a tiny book to its "chest" as if reading a secret message from the flowers, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  21. ✏️ Prompt: man smoking, rugged face with a scruffy beard and squinting eyes, sitting on a rusty old bike in a cluttered junkyard filled with broken appliances and discarded toys, taking a long, satisfied drag as if it's the best cigar he's ever had, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  22. Ardi

    Звонок - SD

    ✏️ Prompt: Anime girl, slender physique with vibrant pink hair styled in a messy bob, bright green eyes adorned with eyelashes, wearing a torn and tattered black kimono with golden trim, standing amidst a desolate post-apocalyptic cityscape of crumbling skyscrapers and smoldering ruins, holding a shattered remains of a broken smartphone as if trying to remember the past, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  23. ✏️ Prompt: Girl, rear view, curvy figure with prominent, XXXL size buttocks, very voluminous buttocks in bright yellow shorts, standing on a sunny beach surrounded by colorful beach balls and inflatables, voluminous buttocks, stretching out her arms to take a selfie with a big smile, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
  24. ✏️ Prompt: Woman with voluminous buttocks, wearing a flowing evening gown made of iridescent fabric that shimmers in shades of purple and blue, standing on the edge of a tranquil lake surrounded by tall trees with glowing lanterns hung from their branches, slowly swaying her hips to the melody of a nearby violinist, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: Heun
  25. ✏️ Prompt: Красная шапочка, вид сверху, вышитая золотом, лежит на траве, в густо заросшем лесу, где солнце почти проходит над горизонтом, шапочка мягко светится от умирающего света дня, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: Heun
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