dalle Мудрец в свете знаний и звёздных узоров. dalle
Мудрец в свете знаний и звёздных узоров - Изображение, созданное нейросетью dalle
Старец-мудрец с лунной кожей размышляет в уединении среди переплетённых корней, создавая светящийся текст на страницах древнего манускрипта. Вокруг витают символы знаний и звездные карты, оживляющие атмосферу таинства и магии. Искусство CGИ погружает в мир философии и фантазии, где каждый элемент наполнен глубоким смыслом
✏️ Prompt: An old philosopher with moonstone skin sits on a chair made of intertwined roots, deep in thought. His huge eyes reflect the shimmering symbols of knowledge floating in the air before him. A pen made of a crystal of unknown origin glides across the page of an ancient manuscript, leaving traces of glowing ink behind it. Scrolls and books with gold embossing are scattered around him, radiating a warm light. The philosopher wears a cloak decorated with patterns of star maps, and his thoughts are projected as a swirl of colors and shapes around his head. On the table lie feathers made from metallic threads of an alien plant, which sparkle with ev...
🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]
🎭 Styles: Midjourney
🧩 Нейросеть: dalle
Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью - Yes Ai
Старец-мудрец с лунной кожей размышляет в уединении среди переплетённых корней, создавая светящийся текст на страницах древнего манускрипта. Вокруг витают символы знаний и звездные карты, оживляющие атмосферу таинства и магии. Искусство CGИ погружает в мир философии и фантазии, где каждый элемент наполнен глубоким смыслом
✏️ Prompt: An old philosopher with moonstone skin sits on a chair made of intertwined roots, deep in thought. His huge eyes reflect the shimmering symbols of knowledge floating in the air before him. A pen made of a crystal of unknown origin glides across the page of an ancient manuscript, leaving traces of glowing ink behind it. Scrolls and books with gold embossing are scattered around him, radiating a warm light. The philosopher wears a cloak decorated with patterns of star maps, and his thoughts are projected as a swirl of colors and shapes around his head. On the table lie feathers made from metallic threads of an alien plant, which sparkle with ev...
🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]
🎭 Styles: Midjourney
🧩 Нейросеть: dalle
Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью - Yes Ai
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