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  1. Мистическая красавица в студии искусства - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: The muse woman, medium-sized, side shot, 32 years old, tall and graceful figure, with long wavy dark chocolate hair and deep brown eyes full of mystery and inspiration. Her face is oval in shape with expressive features and a gentle expression. She is dressed in an elegant dress made of soft silk with long sleeves and a wavy hem, which emphasizes her elegance and femininity. In her hands she holds a bunch of fresh flowers of different shades, symbolizing beauty and creativity. It is located in a spacious art studio surrounded by canvases and canvases with bright colors. She inspires the artist with her presence, allowing him to embody his vis... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом: @yes_ai_bot
  2. Мечта на ледяном озере - Пример работы ИИ stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Figure skater, general plan, shot from above, 24 years old, medium height and slim build, with short thick brown hair and bright green eyes full of grace and passion for ice. Her face is oval in shape with delicate features and a smile that reflects her inner joy. It is located on a frozen lake surrounded by eternal winter and snowy cliffs. The ice under her feet glistens from the sun's rays, creating a magical glow. She is wearing an elegant figure skating dress with sequins and a fluffy fur collar that accentuates her grace and grace. She begins her performance by performing complex elements and elegant ice jumps. Her movements are smooth a... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в - Yes Ai Bot
  3. Кружевная дива в полете - Генерация изображения с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Circus performer, close-up shot from the front, 26 years old, medium height and toned muscular figure, with lush brown hair arranged in a neat hairstyle, and bright eyes full of passion and determination. Her face is oval in shape with expressive features and an energetic expression. She is dressed in a circus performer costume, including a bright yellow jacket with shiny patches and tight-fitting shorts with striped stripes on the sides. In her hands is an elastic simulator, on which she jumps into the air. She performs an acrobatic forward somersault, turning in the air and landing on her feet with grace and precision. Around her is the atm... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Данное изображение создано в stable diffusion
  4. Момент истины: элегантная обнимчивость океана - Картинка из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, full plan, shot from behind, 28 years old, of medium height and toned figure, with long sandy hair and deep blue eyes filled with tranquility and the mystery of the ocean. Her face is oval in shape with soft features and a smile that reflects joy and freedom. She is dressed in a loose white dress made of light fabric, smoothly flowing around her body and creating an effect of lightness and tenderness. She stands on a sandy beach, the waves caress her bare legs, and the sea breeze strokes her hair. Her arms are outstretched, as if she is embracing the ocean. She enjoys the moment, breathing in the fresh sea air and hugging the endless... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение создано алгоритмом ИИ stable diffusion
  5. Мастерская художницы: портрет создания - Изображение, созданное нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: The artist, long-range shot from below, 30 years old, tall and slim build, with long hair dyed a bright honey color, and eyes full of depth and creative sparkle. Her face is oval in shape with expressive features and a delicate blush on her cheeks. She is in her studio, surrounded by canvases, paints and other artistic materials. The camera shoots her from below to convey her gaze at the work in front of her. She works masterfully with a brush, creating colorful and abstract landscapes on canvas. Her movements are emotional and lively, as if each brush becomes an extension of her thoughts and feelings. An atmosphere of inspiration and creativ... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ Yes Ai
  6. Магия Вечернего Сада: Таинственная Паннохская Дева - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, medium-sized, side-shot, 24 years old, of medium height and graceful build, with lush brown hair and sparkling green eyes radiating energy and passion. Her face is oval in shape with soft features and a bright smile. She is dressed in a magnificent dress made of delicate tulle with transparent elements that create the effect of lightness and lightness. Her hair is decorated with sparkling crystals that reflect light and create the illusion of a starry sky. She is in an ancient abandoned castle, where she dances alone in secret halls lit only by moonlight coming through tall windows. Her movements are graceful and emotional, as if she... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в - stable diffusion
  7. An unusual business man, medium-sized, side-shot, 35 years old, of medium height and slim build, with thick dark hair and witty brown eyes, an oval-shaped face with expressive features that give him confidence. He is dressed in a classic black suit with a white shirt and tie, but with the addition of a bright cufflink and pocket scarves, giving a little eccentricity to his image. He is on the roof of a tall skyscraper, standing on the edge with his legs hanging down, demonstrating his audacity and unusual approach to the business world. The environment consists of modern glass buildings and skyscrapers, giving the impression of a futuristic urban landscape. The lighting is bright, the sun's rays penetrate through the glass facades, emphasizing his professionalism and ambitions. The artistic style of photography is inspired by the works of Anne Geddes, conveying a combination of seriousness and playfulness in a business environment. cgi, 1024K Необычный деловой мужчина, план средний, съемка сбоку, 35 лет, среднего роста и стройного телосложения, с густыми темными волосами и остроумными карими глазами, лицо овальной формы с выразительными чертами, придающими ему уверенность. Он одет в классический черный костюм с белой рубашкой и галстуком, но с добавлением яркой запонки и карманных платков, придающих небольшую эксцентрику его образу. Он находится на крыше высокого небоскреба, стоя на краю с ногами свисающими вниз, демонстрируя свою дерзость и необычный подход к деловому миру. Окружающая среда состоит из современных стеклянных зданий и небоскребов, создавая впечатление футуристического городского пейзажа. Освещение яркое, солнечные лучи проникают сквозь стеклянные фасады, подчеркивая его профессионализм и амбиции. Художественный стиль фотографии вдохновлен работами Энн Геддес, передающими комбинацию серьезности и игривости в деловом окружении. cgi, 1024К. Сгенерировано в YesAi 👈 нажми
  8. Трагикомедийная Иконография Мастера Роли - Пример изображения из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A talented actor, full plan, shot from above, 28 years old, of medium height and athletic build, with brown hair and deep ocean-colored eyes, an oval face with masculine features. He is dressed in a stylish black suit with a white shirt and an impeccable tie, giving him elegance and charm. He is in an abandoned theater, on a lighted stage surrounded by darkness and dust. He holds a mask of tragedy in one hand and a mask of comedy in the other, symbolizing his versatility and versatility of acting. He performs unusual and emotional movements, moving from laughter to sadness, from rage to tenderness, immersing himself in different roles and cha... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Данный рисунок сгенерирован при помощи ИИ: Yes Ai Bot
  9. Бизнесмен-мастер мира - Пример генерации нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: An unusual businessman, close-up, from a low angle, 40 years old, tall and slender, with smooth silver hair and piercing blue eyes radiating confidence. His face is angular, with clear features and a small stubble. He is dressed in a tailored black suit, a snow-white shirt and a bright patterned tie, which adds a touch of eccentricity to his formal attire. It stands on the edge of a suspension bridge, which offers a breathtaking view of the night city landscape. The bridge is illuminated by bright neon lights, creating a surreal and futuristic atmosphere. He holds a briefcase in one hand, symbolizing his professionalism, and with the other ha... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка сгенерирована при помощи алгоритма ИИ - stable diffusion
  10. Викинговский Воин Полярного Огня - Генерация в нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A man with a powerful build, medium-sized, shot from behind, 25 years old, tall and broad-shouldered, with a short blond beard and cold gray eyes, a square-shaped face with expressive features, decorated with tattoos depicting symbols of Vikings and ancient gods. He is dressed in a leather jacket with embroidered geometric patterns and metal elements, and holds a huge two-handed sword in his hands, performing unusual and forceful movements against the background of a snowy mountain peak with volcanic vapors and swirls of snowflakes, creating an atmosphere of power and antiquity. The lighting is bright, the sun's rays penetrate through the clo... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ - Telegram Bot - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  11. Сила в пустоте - Генерация изображения с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Muscular man, medium height, bottom shot, 28 years old, tall and well-built, with a shaved head and a strong chin, his piercing blue eyes radiate strength, his face is decorated with tribal tattoos that emphasize his severity. He is wearing a sleeveless leather jacket that exposes his muscular arms and holds a steel chain in his hands. He stands in the middle of an abandoned industrial warehouse with broken windows and scattered debris, performing extraordinary acrobatic movements that defy gravity. The environment is dimly lit, streaks of golden light seeping through the dust-filled air, creating a dramatic atmosphere. The artistic conceptua... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью Telegram Bot - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  12. Металлический гений города будущего - Пример работы ИИ stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A man, full plan, shot from below, 32 years old, of medium height and athletic build, with long silver hair falling over his shoulders, gray-blue eyes, with a cold look, a square-shaped face with sharp features, decorated with a metal chain giving it an industrial look, dressed in a futuristic jumpsuit with lots of zippers and computer The board performs unusual and synchronous movements against the background of a dystopian city of the future, illuminated by bright neon lights, creating an atmosphere of technology and innovation, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Bruce Muni, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ - @yes_ai_bot
  13. Мистерия Металла и Сознания - Картинка из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A man, close-up, shot from above, 35 years old, of medium height and slim build, with curly gray hair falling over his forehead, blue eyes with a frosty tint, a sharp-angled face with expressive features, decorated with metal punctures giving the impression of mysticism, dressed in an unusual suit of black leather with many metal buckles and He performs eccentric and memorable poses against the background of an abstract art installation made of metal structures and wire, illuminated by cold blue light, creating an atmosphere of mystery and industriality, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Raymond Kwaitkovsky,... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом Yes Ai
  14. Космическая принцесса энергии - Пример изображения, сгенерированного нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, full plan, shot from behind, 25 years old, of medium height and slender build, with long mint-green hair falling to her shoulder blades, gray-blue eyes, with a mysterious look, an oval face with pronounced cheekbones, decorated with an intriguing metal make-up, giving her a futuristic look, dressed in a geometric dress made of transparent material with emblems of space objects, performs energetic and eccentric movements against the background of a space with floating planets and stars, a universe illuminated by bright purple and blue rays creating an atmosphere of cosmic fantasy, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired b... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан нейронной сетью - Yes Ai Bot 👈 нажми
  15. Магическая королева океана - Генерация в нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, medium shot, front shot, 27 years old, tall and slender, with long golden hair cascading to her waist, blue eyes with flickering light, heart-shaped face with delicate features, decorated with bio-digital cosmetics, giving her a radiant appearance, dressed in a transparent dress made of iridescent crystals, creating The effect of weightlessness, performs stunning and graceful smooth movements in the depths of the sea, surrounded by luminous algae and sea creatures, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Ellen von Unwerth, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан с помощью ИИ: Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  16. Мистерия современной дамы - Картинка, созданная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, close-up, side shot, 24 years old, of medium height and slender build, with wavy purple hair falling over her shoulders, blue eyes, with a bright glow, oval-shaped face with elegant features, decorated with delicate makeup, giving her mystery, dressed in an extravagant dress made of iridescent fabrics and voluminous draperies, creating the effect of movement, performs unique and artistic poses against the background of an abandoned factory with broken windows letting in soft golden light, creating an atmosphere between the past and the present, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Diana Kulagina, cgi, 10... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  17. Мистическая ночь в городе - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, full plan, shot from behind, 28 years old, of medium height and slender build, with long silver hair falling in careless waves to her waist, blue eyes, with a mysterious radiance, an oval face with expressive features, decorated with mystical symbols that give her mystery, dressed in a magnificent dress made of transparent fabric with embroidery made of mother-of-pearl threads and feathers, performs free and graceful movements against the background of a busy urban intersection, immersed in soft purple twilight light, creating an atmosphere between reality and dreams, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works ... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в - Telegram Bot - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  18. Мир будущего в движении - Картинка, созданная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, medium-sized, side shot, 25 years old, tall and slender, with long golden hair framing her face, blue eyes, with a magical glow, an angular face with expressive cheekbones, decorated with the effect of a futuristic cyber projection, giving her a mysterious look, dressed in a bold outfit made of shining metallic fabric with geometric cutouts, performs unusual and energetic movements against the background of a huge glass cube pierced with laser beams, creating the effect of three-dimensionality and future space, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Charlotte Grotsi, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Картинка создана с помощью нейронной сети Yes Ai
  19. Магия Восходящего Утра на Кристальном Платье - Генерация в нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, full plan, shot from a high angle, 20 years old, short and fragile build, with long purple hair cascading to her knees, bright blue eyes, with a flickering glow, a round face with delicate features, decorated with highlights of gold, giving her mystery, dressed in a magnificent dress made of crystal-transparent material, with delicate floral patterns and moving mother-of-pearl details, performs free and graceful movements against the background of majestic mountain peaks surrounded by soft morning light, creating an atmosphere of fabulousness and mysticism, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Robert a... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Этот рисунок создан нейронной сетью - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  20. Геометрическая космическая элегия - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Woman, close-up, shot from a frontal angle, 25 years old, medium height and slim build, with short neon pink hair, green eyes, with intense glow, triangular face with sharp features, decorated with bright geometric tattoos giving her a futuristic look, dressed in a metal jumpsuit with transparent inserts and non-standard shapes, performs asymmetrical and energetic movements against the background of a giant installation of luminous glass panels surrounded by fog and the abyss of outer space, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Lionel George, cgi, 1024K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение создано алгоритмом ИИ: @yes_ai_bot
  21. Постапокалиптическая красота - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, in the background, taken from below, 30 years old, tall and slender, with long platinum-blonde hair braided in a complex braid, blue eyes with bright streaks, an asymmetrical face decorated with metal inserts giving it a cyberpunk appearance, dressed in an extravagant outfit made of leather and metal, decorated with floral motifs and glowing LED strips, performs unusual and graceful movements in a ruined urban landscape, among ruins and thickets of flowers, surrounded by gloomy lighting creating an atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic world, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Maniac Incognito, cgi, 1024K... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ stable diffusion
  22. Магическая лесная принцесса в тумане - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, close-up shot from an angle, 35 years old, of medium height, with curly fiery red hair falling into a careless hairstyle, light blue eyes, with a spark of adventure, an oval-shaped face with delicate features, decorated with thin gold tattoos embodying nature and strength, dressed in a magnificent taffeta dress with with bright floral patterns combined with luxurious plumes, she takes an unusual pose on a branch of a giant tree, looks into the distance, as if seeing something magical, there is a thick fog around her, creating an atmosphere of mystery and mystery, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the works of Sa... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка сгенерирована при помощи алгоритма ИИ: Telegram Bot - Yes Ai 👈 нажми
  23. Мистическая танцовщица на озере - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, full-length shot, taken from a high angle, 25 years old, slender and graceful, with long lush brown hair cascading to her waist, deep blue eyes with a hint of mystery, an oval face with perfect features, decorated with metal in the form of a futuristic painting, giving an elegant geometric accent, dressed in a magnificent A transparent organza dress decorated with crystal pendants, performing unpredictable and graceful movements, floating in the air above a huge mirrored lake surrounded by lush vegetation and luminous flowers, illuminated by soft diffused light creating an atmosphere of mystery and mysticism, an artistic conceptual s... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ Yes Ai Bot 👈 нажми
  24. Космическая богиня - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: A woman, a full-length shot, taken from a low angle, 28 years old, tall and statuesque, with long flowing black hair falling over her shoulders, piercing icy blue eyes with a hint of mischief, an angular face with clear cheekbones decorated with intricate patterns. a face with geometric paint of bright neon colors, dressed in a futuristic metal bodysuit with sharp cutouts and glowing LED stripes, taking a powerful and dynamic pose, suspended in the air in a weightless camera filled with swirling clouds of bright colored smoke, illuminated by pulsating neon lights, capturing her in a moment of weightlessness and otherworldly grace, artistic co... 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Protovision 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в: stable diffusion 👈 нажми
  25. Woman, close-up shot, shot from a low angle, 35 years old, petite and delicate, with long loose red hair falling over her shoulders, piercing brown eyes with a hint of mischief, a heart-shaped face with a radiant smile, decorated with intricate face coloring reminiscent of colorful tribal patterns, dressed in an avant-garde ensemble consisting of from a cape with feathers, a corset with exquisite embroidery and a skirt made of shiny metallic fabric, gracefully dancing on a suspended silk air hoop in the middle of a vast desert, with the setting sun casting a warm golden glow, surrounded by swirling sand and ethereal dust particles, an artistic conceptual style of photography inspired by the exciting and surreal works of Kirsty Mitchell, cgi, 1024K Женщина, крупный план, снято с низкой ракурса, 35 лет, маленький рост и изящная, с длинными рыжими волосами, струящимися по ее плечам, пронзительные орехово-карие глаза с изюминкой шалости, лицо в форме сердца с лучистой улыбкой, украшенная графика в виде племенных узоров, одета в авангардном наряде, состоящая из первого плаща, корсета с изысканной вышивкой и юбки из мерцающей металлической ткани, изящно танцует на подвесном аэрохуле из шелкового полотна волнистой пустыни, где закатное солнце бросает теплое золотое сияние, окруженные вихрями песка и эфирными пылевыми частицами, стилем художественной концептуальной фотографии, вдохновленными завораживающими и сюрреалистическими работами Кирсти Митчелл, cgi, 1024K Сгенерировано в YesAi 👈 нажми
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