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Весь контент Diluted-Sashko

  1. Мир после конца света: пустыня из мусора и надежда в Walls-E - Пример изображения, созданного ИИ dalle ✏️ Prompt: Robot WALL-E sits on an old refrigerator with an umbrella in the rain, surrounded by a landscape of an empty city, a lot of dust, trash and garbage around, very colorful and detailed 3-D animation, high-quality drawing of the character and the surrounding world, cgi, 1024k, art 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle Данное изображение создано в Telegram Bot - Yes Ai

    © Diluted-Sashko

  2. Вокруг города надвигается тайна - Результат генерации нейросети dalle ✏️ Prompt: A boy gazes out the window at a UFO hovering above the city skyline, its neon lights illuminating the dark sky; stars twinkling in the distance; a crescent moon casting an eerie glow on the deserted streets below; abandoned cars parked along the curb, their headlights still shining like ghostly eyes; a faint hum of an engine fills the air as the alien spacecraft descends slowly towards the boy's small town; digital painting style: vibrant colors, bold brushstrokes, and intricate details. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle Эта картинка сгенерирована при помощи алгоритма ИИ: dalle

    © Diluted-Sashko

  3. Космические Кулинарные эксперименты в будущем доме - Пример изображения, сгенерированного нейросетью dalle ✏️ Prompt: A fat red alien cat sits on the table of an ultra-modern kitchen somewhere in a distant galaxy, the whole kitchen is dark with many neon backlit lines of different colors, the image is imbued with alien style with many super-civilized technologies, bright dynamic colors, fantastic, aesthetic, hyper-detailed rendering, cgi, 1024k 🎭 Styles: Futuristic 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle Это изображение сгенерировано в dalle

    © Diluted-Sashko

  4. Врата к инферно космоса открываются наяву - Пример работы нейросети dalle ✏️ Prompt: Mysterious skies filled with swirling clouds of iridescent blues and purples, as an ancient crone raises her hands towards the heavens, summoning an otherworldly presence. Alien spacecraft hover above, their ethereal lights illuminating the darkening landscape. The air is thick with an eerie energy, as if the very fabric of reality is about to tear apart. Strange symbols etched into the ground begin to glow, pulsing with an unearthly power. In the distance, a glowing portal materializes, beckoning forth an extraterrestrial visitor. As the crone's eyes gleam with an otherworldly intensity, her wrinkled hands seem to grasp for something just ou... 🎭 Styles: Futuristic 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle Эта картинка создана алгоритмом ИИ - dalle

    © Diluted-Sashko

  5. Мистическая леди леса: искусство и магия - Пример работы нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: 1girl of (((Asian appearance))) with a ((long braided hairstyle), (((dressed in a fox jumpsuit with a pile))), stands on a cliff with a ((dagger in her hand)), ((beautiful art with paints elements of a capillary pen)), (((art by Ciruelo))), (((inspired by the works of Ciruelo))), (((style of the artist Ciruelo))), detailed 🎭 Styles: Futuristic 🧩 Model: revAnimated_v2 🔧 Sampler: Euler a 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в - @yes_ai_bot

    © Diluted-Sashko

  6. Коктейли из звездной кухни - Генерация в нейросети dalle ✏️ Prompt: Alien bartender pours exotic cocktails behind a glowing purple counter, surrounded by swirling mist and twinkling starlight, amidst a backdrop of iridescent jellyfish-like lanterns, with a sign reading "Galactic Grog" in neon script, as patrons in futuristic attire sip on drinks with names like "Nebula Nectar", "Andromeda's Kiss", and "Rigel's Rocket Fuel", - art, cgi, 1024k 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle Этот рисунок создан с помощью ИИ: @yes_ai_bot

    © Diluted-Sashko

  7. Мифические фигуры в движении через время и пространство - Пример работы нейросети dalle ✏️ Prompt: Medusa Gorgon, polygonal drawing, double exposure, palette knife strokes, fine drawing, wet watercolor, drawing with capillary pens, dynamic frame, action, cgi, 1024k 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle

    © Diluted-Sashko

  8. Запрос: Чёрная гладкошерстная кошка у которой словно прическа из головы торчат змейки как у Медузы Горгоны, невозмутимый и гордый вид, арт изображение красками, 16k Режим: Генерация по тексту Стиль: Нет Соотношение сторон: 1:1 Модель: Kandinsky 3.0 Негативный промпт: Нет

    © Diluted - Sashko

  9. Магический Золотистый Вечер в Лесу Фейries - Пример работы ИИ dalle ✏️ Prompt: Beautiful gently magical pink shaggy very friendly Chinese dragon with ornate patterns, resting in a flower meadow. It is warmed by the rays of the bright sun, and there are many fluffy clouds in the sky. Against the backdrop of an autumn fairy forest. Glowing eyes of a beautiful bright golden color. Play of light on the face. UHD. Detail, art,16k, fantasy art 🎭 Styles: Fantasy 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle Этот рисунок создан нейронной сетью: dalle

    © Diluted-Sashko

  10. Оставленная печаль в угасающих останках любви - Пример изображения, созданного ИИ dalle ✏️ Prompt: Fading embers, smoldering ash, heartbreak, longing, desperation, emptiness, lost love, hesitant goodbye, pain, sadness, despair, resignation. Style: Illustration in the style of Edward Gorey. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle

    © Diluted-Sashko

  11. Квадратная Ведьмачка в Торнете Вибрирующих Красок - Картинка, сгенерированная нейросетью dalle ✏️ Prompt: The Voodoo Doll in 'Vibrant Vortex', immersed in a ultraviolet spiraling, lively, pink and whimsically chaotic torrent of vibrant, colorful ribbons 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle

    © Diluted-Sashko

  12. Diluted-Sashko

    Милая девчушка

    ✏️ Prompt: (((A little 9yo african girl sits on a flower lawn))), (((dressed in a formal fluffy dress with ornate patterns, pink color of the dress with burgundy cuffs, with a bow on his head))). ((She are illuminated by the rays of a fabulous bright moon)), and in the sky ((many bright stars among lush clouds)). Pastel shades. ((The girl's eyes are blue hue)). Play of light. UHD. Hyper-detailing, art, ((drawing with capillary pens and delicate watercolors)) 🎭 Styles: Watercolor 🧩 Model: Realistic 🔧 Sampler: Euler a

    © Dikuted-Sashko

  13. Diluted-Sashko

    Мифический грифон. dalle

    Мифические крылья тайны и легенды - Картинка, сгенерированная нейросетью dalle ✏️ Prompt: Neoclassical light-colored griffin with glowing wings, mysterious patterns of ancient African tribes on the wings, super realistic griffin face with a slightly open beak, fantasy style with fairy-tale secrets and riddles, art painting in the style of fantasy paints 🎭 Styles: Fantasy 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью @yes_ai_bot

    © Diluted-Sashko

  14. Внутренний конфликт души человека в тени ада и небес - Результат работы нейросети dalle ✏️ Prompt: A thoughtful, confused man, behind whose back there is a devil on his right shoulder whispering in his ear, on his left shoulder an angel whispering, gloomy background with dark red tones, hyper-detailed art 🎭 Styles: Watercolor 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image] 🧩 Нейросеть: dalle Этот рисунок создан нейронной сетью - Telegram Bot - Yes Ai

    © Diluted-Sashko

  15. Тоже хотел сделать картинки на тему этой игры, но никак не мог вспомнить название. А теперь увидел, спасибо 👍🏾
  16. ✏️ Prompt: <face:41238:1> A man sits in an American retro cafe of the 1960s with a cup of coffee and looks out the panoramic window, close-up portrait, hyper-detailed, cgi, 16k 🎭 Styles: ExtraDetailed 🧩 Model: revAnimated_v2 🔧 Sampler: Euler a

    © Diluted-Sashko

  17. Мечта о звездах на лавандовом фоне - Картинка, сгенерированная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: (((A little 10yo girl sits on a flower lawn))), (((dressed in a formal dress with ornate patterns, pink color of the dress with orange cuffs))). ((She are illuminated by the rays of a fabulous bright moon)), and in the sky ((many bright stars among lush clouds)). Pastel shades. ((The girl's eyes are blue hue)). Play of light. UHD. Hyper-detailing, art, ((drawing with capillary pens and delicate watercolors)) 🎭 Styles: LineArt 🧩 Model: revAnimated_v2 🔧 Sampler: Euler a 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в Telegram Bot - Yes Ai

    © Diluted-Sashko

  18. Мечта под луной: детская сказка в цветахpastel - Пример работы ИИ stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: (((A little 10yo girl sits on a flower lawn))), (((dressed in a formal dress with ornate patterns, pink color of the dress with orange cuffs, with a bow on his head))). ((She are illuminated by the rays of a fabulous bright moon)), and in the sky ((many bright stars among lush clouds)). Pastel shades. ((The girl's eyes are blue hue)). Play of light. UHD. Hyper-detailing, art, ((drawing with capillary pens and delicate watercolors)) 🎭 Styles: Disco 🧩 Model: revAnimated_v2 🔧 Sampler: Euler a 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью Telegram Bot - Yes Ai

    © Diluted-Sashko

  19. ✏️ Prompt: Poster for the film, Viking warrior woman, fantasy - fierce battle-hardened female warrior stands victorious on a misty mountainside, sword raised high, with a wolf by her side, Norse runes etched into the stone beneath her feet, ancient trees looming in the background, fiery orange and crimson hues of sunset casting a warm glow, wispy clouds drifting across the sky, bold font - "Valkyrie's Reckoning" - cgi, 1024k 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]

    © Diluted-Sashko

  20. Diluted-Sashko

    Живая голограмма

    ✏️ Prompt: a wireframe hologram of chimpanzee playing with butterflies with glowing green lines forming intricate patterns around its structure, plain black background 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]

    © Diluted-Sashko

  21. Diluted-Sashko

    Toy Kirsten Dunst

    Запрос: Kirsten Dunst в игрушечном стиле Режим: Генерация по тексту Стиль: Нет Соотношение сторон: 1:1 Модель: Kandinsky 2.1 Негативный промпт: Нет

    © Diluted-Sashko

  22. ✏️ Prompt: Actor Sean Connery in the image of James Bond, agent 007, is ready to save the planet from the villain, driving a retro car. Realistic, detailed, drawing of small details, high quality, cgi, art, 1024k, HD quality 🎭 Styles: ExtraDetailed 🧩 Model: revAnimated_v2 🔧 Sampler: Euler a

    © Diluted-Sashko

  23. Diluted-Sashko

    Райское местечко

    Запрос: Человек идущий в рай Режим: Генерация по тексту Стиль: Картина маслом Соотношение сторон: 3:2 Модель: Kandinsky 2.2 Негативный промпт: Нет

    © Diluted-Sashko

  24. Diluted-Sashko

    Охотница на ведьм. Kandinsky

    Запрос: 1lady medieval warrior with equipment is walking along the road to expel witches from the forest, the medieval era, very realistic, cinematic film style, against the backdrop of a huge red moon disk, ((detailed drawing of the face, the face is illuminated by a torch)), gloomy forest, close-up, art, detailed, cgi, 1024k, art by Frank Frazetta, inspired by Frank Frazetta Режим: Генерация по тексту Стиль: Нет Соотношение сторон: 1:1 Модель: Kandinsky 3.1 Негативный промпт: Нет

    © Diluted-Sashko

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