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Denis стал победителем дня 29 июня

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  1. Мир Геометрических Путешественников - Генерация в нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Create an abstract painting featuring extraterrestrials depicted as vibrant geometric shapes. The composition should be dynamic, with the aliens positioned in a way that conveys movement and energy. Utilize a bold color palette to enhance the visual impact of the artwork. Experiment with different textures and brush strokes to add depth and dimension to the piece. The final result should be a visually captivating and thought-provoking representation of otherworldly beings in abstract form. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в - stable diffusion
  2. Мистические Облако Alienов над планетой - Картинка, созданная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Create a professional digital photograph depicting extraterrestrial beings portrayed as glowing gas clouds floating around a planet. Use professional lighting techniques to capture the ethereal and mysterious nature of these alien entities. Pay attention to the composition, ensuring that the gas clouds are visually captivating and appear to be in motion. Experiment with different color palettes to convey a sense of otherworldliness. 🎭 Styles: Surrealism, Illustration, Light 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка сгенерирована при помощи алгоритма ИИ stable diffusion
  3. Космическое Концертное Мастерство Небесных Инструментов - Картинка из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Create a digital photograph depicting planets as enormous musical instruments, each emitting its own unique melody. Use professional lighting and equipment to capture the intricate details of the instruments. Ensure that the composition showcases the grandeur of the planets while emphasizing the musical aspect. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add depth and visual interest to the photograph. Pay attention to color schemes and textures to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Картинка создана с помощью нейронной сети: @yes_ai_bot
  4. Механический Царь Галактики: Затмение планеты Машиной Жизни - Пример генерации нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Create a professional digital photograph of a space ship depicted as a massive mechanical tree that engulfs an entire planet. The tree should have intricate metallic branches and roots, resembling gears and machinery. The planet should be visible in the background, with its landscape partially obscured by the sprawling tree. Use professional lighting techniques to highlight the intricate details of the metallic tree and capture the vastness of the scene 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение сгенерировано в - stable diffusion
  5. Замечательный зеленый крокодил в модном наряде - Пример генерации нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: a cheerful cute green crocodile dressed in a pink fur coat and blue sunglasses, detailed sketch style 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: revAnimated_v2 H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion
  6. Зеленый крокодил в модном пике: стиль и охота за солнцем - Генерация в нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Create a vibrant and detailed digital photograph of a cheerful and cute green crocodile. The crocodile should be dressed in a stylish pink fur coat that complements its vibrant green skin. It should also be wearing trendy blue sunglasses that add a touch of coolness to its overall appearance. The photograph should be rendered in a detailed sketch style, capturing the texture and intricacies of the crocodile's features and clothing. Use professional lighting techniques to enhance the depth and realism of the image. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: revAnimated_v2 H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение создано алгоритмом ИИ - Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  7. Космические Победители Века: Капитан и его экипаж в глубоком космосе - Генерация в нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Spaceship, Starship Enterprise, futuristic, advanced technology, laser cannons, star crew, hovering pose, metallic skin, blue eyes, silver hair, slicked-back hairstyle, athletic physique, captain's hat, Starfleet uniform, black boots, deep space, Milky Way galaxy, sci-fi, dramatic lighting, high-definition, CGI, by Gene Roddenberry, monochromatic palette, double exposure, 4K 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: revAnimated_v2 H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Это изображение создано алгоритмом ИИ - Yes Ai
  8. Сверхновая Взрывная Полярность Галактики - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Create a captivating digital photograph capturing the essence of an epic supernova explosion in deep space, with a spaceship in the foreground. The explosion should be vibrant and dynamic, showcasing intense bursts of colorful energy radiating outward. The spaceship should be sleek and futuristic, with its silhouette illuminated by the explosion's glow. Utilize professional lighting techniques to enhance the dramatic effect, ensuring that the photograph evokes a sense of awe and wonder 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью - Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  9. Космические Приключения В космосе: Райдинг с пришельцем в будущем - Пример генерации нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Alien, Cosmic Bike, extraterrestrial, joyful, cosmic laser gun, riding pose, green skin, purple eyes, blue hair, spiked hairstyle, slim physique, space helmet, futuristic suit, energy boots, intergalactic atmosphere, deep space, sci-fi anime, neon lighting, 3D, digital art, by Alex Ross, vibrant colors, cosmic double exposure, high definition 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью Yes Ai
  10. Алиен на велосипеде космоса: Радостное паломничество через звезды - Картинка, полученная с помощью нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Create a vibrant and dynamic digital photograph capturing a super mega happy alien riding a cosmic bike in the vast expanse of space. Illuminate the scene with celestial lighting, emphasizing the alien's joy and the cosmic energy surrounding them. Use expert composition to showcase the alien's ecstatic expression and the intricate details of the cosmic bike. Employ professional-grade equipment to ensure sharpness and clarity, while incorporating a sense of motion to convey the exhilarating experience of interstellar biking. 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта картинка сгенерирована при помощи алгоритма ИИ Yes Ai
  11. Пустота космоса: последствия крушения - Картинка из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Create a dramatic and atmospheric digital photograph depicting a destroyed space station floating in the vastness of space. The scene should showcase the wreckage of the station, with twisted metal, shattered glass, and sparks of electricity. Two brave astronauts should be visible within the wreckage, wearing their spacesuits and showing signs of exhaustion and determination. Utilize professional lighting techniques to enhance the sense of depth and highlight the contrasting elements of darkness and illumination 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью stable diffusion
  12. Солнечный мгновенье в стеклянном сосуде - Пример изображения из нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Capture the mesmerizing beauty of a sunset in a bottle. Set up a still life composition with a transparent glass bottle as the focal point. Fill the bottle with a vibrant gradient of warm hues, resembling the colors of a breathtaking sunset. Use professional lighting techniques to create a soft, diffused glow that highlights the bottle's contours and enhances the illusion of a captured sunset. Pay attention to details, such as reflections and refractions, to add depth and realism to the photograph 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Картинка создана с помощью нейронной сети Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  13. Модель на остановке: современный взгляд - Картинка, сгенерированная нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: digital photograph inspired by the style of Oleg Oprisco, Jocelyn Hobbie, and Nick Knight. The scene features a close-up shot of a woman standing in front of a bus stop. She is wearing a cropped top and jeans, exuding a modern and stylish vibe. The lighting should be professional, with soft, muted tones to create a dreamy atmosphere. Capture the woman's wavy hair flowing gracefully, adding a touch of movement to the composition. Pay attention to the details and composition, ensuring a high-quality and visually striking image 🎭 Styles: Illustration 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация создана алгоритмом ИИ: Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
  14. Беспокинчивая свобода на колесах - Пример генерации нейросети stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Capture the exhilaration and joy of a vibrant, confident woman riding a powerful motorcycle. The subject should exude a super mega level of happiness, radiating energy and excitement. Ensure the lighting highlights her beaming smile and the wind blowing through her hair. Use a professional camera to capture the dynamic motion and focus on the details of the motorcycle, showcasing its sleek design and the woman's confident grip on the handlebars. The composition should convey a sense of freedom and adventure 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: DreamShaper H.F. 💎 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью: Yes Ai
  15. Наука на грани вселенной - Изображение, созданное нейросетью stable diffusion ✏️ Prompt: Alien, gray skin, huge head, black big eyes, extreme resource symbol, dressed in research clothes, concentrated face, surrounded by laboratory equipment and chemical reagents in the laboratory, holding a test tube, atmosphere of science and experiments 🎭 Styles: No style 🧩 Model: SDXL Juggernaut 💠 🔧 Sampler: UniPC 🧩 Нейросеть: stable diffusion Данное изображение создано в - @yes_ai_bot
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