dalle Туманный берег с Оранжевым Акцентом. Изображение из нейронной сети Dalle
Туманный берег с Оранжевым Акцентом - Пример работы нейросети Dalle
Заголовок: Туманный берег и яркий акцент
✏️ Промт: A gray overcast sky, a gray lighthouse shrouded in mist, a gray sea, and beige flat sand. A view from behind of a woman wearing an orange dress with an open back and an orange hat, with the wind blowing through her hair. The scene is painted in gouache style with ultra-detailed rendering, emphasizing the gray and beige tones and elegant curves.
🧩 Нейросеть: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]
🎭 Стили: Watercolor
Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью Yes Ai
Заголовок: Туманный берег и яркий акцент
✏️ Промт: A gray overcast sky, a gray lighthouse shrouded in mist, a gray sea, and beige flat sand. A view from behind of a woman wearing an orange dress with an open back and an orange hat, with the wind blowing through her hair. The scene is painted in gouache style with ultra-detailed rendering, emphasizing the gray and beige tones and elegant curves.
🧩 Нейросеть: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]
🎭 Стили: Watercolor
Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью Yes Ai
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