midjourney Тьма Внутри: Свет Неугасимый. Изображение из нейросети Миджорни
Тьма Внутри: Свет Неугасимый - Изображение, созданное нейросетью Миджорни
Свет в темноте: моя борьба с одиночеством и вечный огонь внутри
✏️ Промт: Well, my last lighthouse has gone out, I am completely in darkness, there is no more light anywhere, I am truly alone now, it would be time to just lie down and sleep forever, if I could, but no, the light of God burns within me, I can’t say these simple words, because I never give up, even in the darkness, because I am the darkness itself, and inside me the flame of light burns.
I am always alone, I am the power, I can never stop, I am the flame and the light of this world.
🧩 Нейросеть: 🖌 Midjourney
🎭 Стили: No style
Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью: Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
Свет в темноте: моя борьба с одиночеством и вечный огонь внутри
✏️ Промт: Well, my last lighthouse has gone out, I am completely in darkness, there is no more light anywhere, I am truly alone now, it would be time to just lie down and sleep forever, if I could, but no, the light of God burns within me, I can’t say these simple words, because I never give up, even in the darkness, because I am the darkness itself, and inside me the flame of light burns.
I am always alone, I am the power, I can never stop, I am the flame and the light of this world.
🧩 Нейросеть: 🖌 Midjourney
🎭 Стили: No style
Эта иллюстрация сгенерирована нейросетью: Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
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