midjourney Мона Лиза в Эпоху Соцсетей. Нейронная сеть Миджорни
Мона Лиза в Эпоху Соцсетей - Генерация изображения с помощью нейросети Миджорни
Современное переосмысление шедевра Леонардо: Моника с гаджетами в окружении социальных сетей
✏️ Промт: This creative artwork offers a modern twist on the classic Mona Lisa, featuring two animated characters to her sides, each engrossed in their smartphones. Surrounding them are various contemporary social media icons, suggesting a fusion of classical art with today's technology-driven society. The piece cleverly juxtaposes traditional beauty with modern-day obsessions, using expressive faces and details to invite reflection on the impact of technology in our cultural appreciation.
🧩 Нейросеть: 🖌 Midjourney
🎭 Стили: No style
Данный рисунок сгенерирован при помощи ИИ - Yes Ai
Современное переосмысление шедевра Леонардо: Моника с гаджетами в окружении социальных сетей
✏️ Промт: This creative artwork offers a modern twist on the classic Mona Lisa, featuring two animated characters to her sides, each engrossed in their smartphones. Surrounding them are various contemporary social media icons, suggesting a fusion of classical art with today's technology-driven society. The piece cleverly juxtaposes traditional beauty with modern-day obsessions, using expressive faces and details to invite reflection on the impact of technology in our cultural appreciation.
🧩 Нейросеть: 🖌 Midjourney
🎭 Стили: No style
Данный рисунок сгенерирован при помощи ИИ - Yes Ai
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