midjourney Портрет в Красных Тонах: Стиль и Уверенность. Картинка из нейросети Миджорни
Портрет в Красных Тонах: Стиль и Уверенность - Картинка из нейросети Миджорни
Загадочный портрет в красных тонах: лицо с уверенным взглядом и гладкой кожей выделяется на фоне монохромного алого фона, подчеркивая смелость стиля и современный визуальный язык
✏️ Промт: The image features a striking portrait of a person wearing a red hat and large, circular red earrings. The dominant color is red, which creates a bold and cohesive visual theme. The subject's skin has a smooth, glowing appearance, and their expression is calm and confident, with slightly parted lips. The focus is on the face, highlighting the subject's features and the interplay of light and shadow. The background is a solid red, enhancing the overall intensity and focus on the subject. The image conveys a sense of fashion and style, with a modern and vibrant aesthetic.
🧩 Нейросеть: 🖌 Midjourney
🎭 Стили: No style
Данный рисунок сгенерирован при помощи ИИ midjourney
Загадочный портрет в красных тонах: лицо с уверенным взглядом и гладкой кожей выделяется на фоне монохромного алого фона, подчеркивая смелость стиля и современный визуальный язык
✏️ Промт: The image features a striking portrait of a person wearing a red hat and large, circular red earrings. The dominant color is red, which creates a bold and cohesive visual theme. The subject's skin has a smooth, glowing appearance, and their expression is calm and confident, with slightly parted lips. The focus is on the face, highlighting the subject's features and the interplay of light and shadow. The background is a solid red, enhancing the overall intensity and focus on the subject. The image conveys a sense of fashion and style, with a modern and vibrant aesthetic.
🧩 Нейросеть: 🖌 Midjourney
🎭 Стили: No style
Данный рисунок сгенерирован при помощи ИИ midjourney
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