Солнечный кофе с музыкой - Генерация в нейросети dalle
✏️ Prompt: A cup of cappuccino on a wooden table, steam is coming, along with the steam musical notes rise, musical notation, against the rays of sunlight, flowers, very pretty, cgi, 1024K
🎭 Styles: No style
🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]
🧩 Нейросеть: dalle
✏️ Prompt: A cup of cappuccino on a wooden table, steam is coming, along with the steam musical notes rise, musical notation, against the rays of sunlight, flowers, very pretty, cgi, 1024K
🎭 Styles: No style
🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]
🧩 Нейросеть: dalle
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