Кот-повар в кухонном хаосе с пиццей - Пример работы ИИ dalle
Кот-повар в чепце и с зелеными глазами наслаждается пиццей среди хаоса кухни
✏️ Prompt: The head of a large, plump, red-haired, contented cat with large, expressive green eyes and a chef's hat in his mouth holds a huge piece of delicious pizza with melted cheese flowing down a piece. In the background is a trashed kitchen with complete chaos. The kitchen is all dirty, the walls are stained with food, there are pieces of sausage stuck to the walls, mountains of dirty dishes and an oven from which a fire is visible
🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]
🎭 Styles: Photo
🧩 Нейросеть: dalle
Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом: Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
Кот-повар в чепце и с зелеными глазами наслаждается пиццей среди хаоса кухни
✏️ Prompt: The head of a large, plump, red-haired, contented cat with large, expressive green eyes and a chef's hat in his mouth holds a huge piece of delicious pizza with melted cheese flowing down a piece. In the background is a trashed kitchen with complete chaos. The kitchen is all dirty, the walls are stained with food, there are pieces of sausage stuck to the walls, mountains of dirty dishes and an oven from which a fire is visible
🧩 Model: 🔮 DALLE-3 [Multi-image]
🎭 Styles: Photo
🧩 Нейросеть: dalle
Этот рисунок создан искусственным интеллектом: Telegram Bot - Yes Ai
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